Forget Me Nots

A short film about memory and story.

In The Media

What is the difference between memory and experience?  That is a struggle we all confront; whether we acknowledge it is another issue.  Dempsey Rice, in her work, bravely embraces the personal issues involved with memory and how those memories define experience, which is especially true with the remnants of family trauma.  Quite often, I fear I cannot separate the two, not trusting that I am seeing the moment as it is, untainted of memory.  This work gives us the gift of letting go into the memory, letting this experience blend into it; to let the imposed distance between need and desire possibly melt away.
Scott Henstrand, Curator of Missing, Missed

This film is a wonderful collage of archival footage, lyrical impressions, interviews, and super 8 film stock, producing a richly textured account of the richly complex nature of memory… Experts such as neurologist Oliver Sacks explore the mysteries of our capacity to live in the present by carrying the past in our minds, and the consequences of not being able to do so for those whose memories have disappeared. As another expert observes, the hardware of our perception sure can fool us up. Are we real, or are we memorexed?
— Dr. Noreen Golfman, Board of Directors,
St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival